Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Death of Cool

There was a time (well maybe only a two week period) where I was cool. I stayed out late without hesitation, drank, smoked, travelled to exotic off the beaten path locations and had ample free time to pursue random slightly ridiculous hobbies (the banjo, vegan cooking, Portuguese, capoeira) If someone mentioned a band of course I had seen them, a year ago at a club that was now closed for selling liquor after hours. I bought vinyl, organic, free trade and read the New York Times. And then I had a baby.

Now I have known a lot of people but none of them have ever said to me “you have to meet my mom, she is so cool.” I am coming to the conclusion I will not be the exception. It is a popular myth now that you can become a parent and at the same time maintain your old lifestyle, at the risk of freaking out future parents I have to say you can’t.

I remember in my pre baby days giving myself a high five after being out late the night before only to show up at work the next day early and productive. After months of interrupted sleep I can’t think of any social engagement that I would prefer to some quality time with my pillow. Even when I am out late in the back of my mind I am always thinking of when it would be acceptable to duck out. I can’t remember the last time I smoked and it annoys me when people smoke on the sidewalk around me. I always assumed that the reason why all my dad’s favourite music was from the 70’s was because that was a golden era in music now I understand that was probably one of the last times he had the spare time to seek out new music. Unless baby wearing is suddenly featured at New York Fashion Week I doubt anything I wear would be considered in style.

So I am no longer cool. Maybe I never was. Maybe all those late night, exotic trips, and poorly practiced hobbies were just ways of filling up the space and time which is now occupied by people.


  1. Babies are the new black, didn't you hear ;)

    We're totally cool.. because we grew a human.
    [but I toooootally know what you mean!]

  2. I can honestly say I have introduced my mom as being cool. So it can be done. Bring out your coolness momma!

  3. My husband and I were just talking about this the other night..."remember when we were in a band"..."remember when we weren't in bed by 10?"

    Oh well, it's much better this way!
